Couples and Infant
Massage Classes

  • Couples Classes are designed to relieve tension and pain, deepen communication and sensuality, and develop a more embodied self-awareness. Most often enjoyed by romantic couples, classes are open to platonic pairs as well.

  • Designed for the person who wants to develop massage skills as a solo achievement. Whether you want to impress your friends, you’re considering professional massage training, or you’re seeking an exercise in generosity, this class is for you. Participants are required to bring a buddy to receive massage during the class.

  • There’s a reason you can’t take your hands off your baby, and it’s not only the cuteness factor. Touch is actually required for neurological development; it allows for non-verbal communication, healthy attachment and bonding. Skilled massage techniques do all of that, while enhancing baby’s sleep, improving digestion and circulation, and boosting immunity. Beginning a daily massage routine in infancy will reward you and your child, emotionally and physically, well into the future. The full body baby massage class is divided into a 5-part series, offered both privately and in groups. Visit to learn more about Karen’s style of infant massage instruction.

*Please reach out by phone or email to schedule a class.